Empowering, Real Birth Stories Written by Women
Anne Birth Story My pregnancy was uncomplicated, a smooth ride really.. untilwe hit 33 weeks and fetal movements changed. I wasn’t concerned as I could still feel very regular movements, the power of the kicks felt different. The next obstetrician (OB)confirmed that our baby had moved into a breech position. Scans at 36 weeks showed our girl was still healthy, sitting comfortably with a hand behind her head and one leg extended. We were told an ECV would fail as there would be resistance no matter which way they tried to flip her and it was a sure way to end in an emergency cesarean. The OB informed us that if I attempted a natural breech birth Pip would likely not survive because she was a small baby (21stpercentile *eye roll*) – I balled my eyes out hearing this news. She said the only option was a cesarean. I felt trapped and pressured into an unwanted surgery but this was the hospital protocol for breech babies. I tried to fight it and thought ‘no way’ would I be having surgery, my body is ‘supposed’ to be able to do this but now I was terrified of harming my baby after the conversation with the OB. For my entire 9 months pregnancy, I envisioned a completely natural, unmedicated waterbirth. As a regular (recreational) yogi, meditation participator, and daily journal writer, I falsely assumed that I already had the tools to give birth the way I had always hoped. I had built a preconceived expectation of myself and my body. After a few very tearful days and multiple visits, Dr. Georgia(chiropractor, Glow Health Co.) passed on Kathryn’s details. In a slight panic, my husband and I religiously practiced the positions Kat showed us to ‘flip a breech’. My meditation also changed to incorporate specificity to flip a breech. Kat alsoput me in contact with acupuncturist Amie (Sakura Acupuncture Clinic). I’d left the holistic approach too late. Pip remained breech and we agreed to the cesarean provided we could push it to the last possible date. A week before the scheduled date, the OB called to say she had a family emergency and had to leave the country. I was understanding, but further panic set in as any new OB a week before a surgery was another change I didn’t want. We met the new OB 5 days before the surgery.. I left the appointment feeling unheard and ALL my birth preferences were shut down. The mentioning of stillborn and horriblecomplications if I refused anything medical from here created so much fear and I was made to feel like I wasn’t the one birthing my child. I once again contacted Kat asking for advice. We completed Kat’s crash Positive Cesarean Birth Course 4 days before birth. This allowed us to have the confidence to stand up to the new OB who had made my birth experience into a medical procedure. I called various OB’s to see if anyone else would take me on as a last minute patient – being 3 days before birth, this was impossible. I completed all the activities Kat suggested, the most helpful was creating a vision board for my version of a positive birth and the daily meditation for a positive cesarean – this included breathing and visualization of the birth. This was profound and powerful. This felt right. Driving to the hospital blindfolded while meditating allowed me to focus and calm myself. I continued to meditate right up until talking with the surgical team. In my calm state I was able to think clearly and state exactly what I wanted and how I wanted the morning to go. The OB tried to talk me out of my preferences right up until going into theatre. Luckily, we had the tools to state exactly what we wanted - music, limitedchatter of staff, immediate skin to skin, delayed cord clamping, etc. An extremely supportive anesthetist advocated for us and facilitated our preferences. I meditated through the entire birthing process only to be interrupted by the screams of my little girl. I cannot thank Kat enough for guiding us and equipping us with the tools to ensure our preferences were met despite the changes with a cesarean birth.
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Birth StoriesThese stories are shared by amazing woman to help others through their pregnancy and birth journey. Categories